Tag: #asus

ASUS Responsible Disclosure – SQL Injection

ASUS Responsible Disclosure – SQL Injection

Security, Vulnerabilities
My CCNA CyberOps scholarship has finally ended which means more time to fool around in the internet! Yey! So recently, I decided to pursue some bug hunting because it has been a while since my last "capture the flag" practice and am already forgetting how to use tools in Kali. This made me look for some popular sites and led me to visit asus.com. After some information gathering, I came across the domain etrip.asus.com which then forwarded me to a Javascript file etrip.asus.com/eTrip/HO-js.js. Reading the script showed another file with a .jsp extension which had some parameters. I first visited the link without any parameters as I didn't really know what values are marked 'correct' in the system. After visiting, it just spitted out the source code which made me say "Wow! Tha...