Tag: #egghunter

Egg Hunter – Shellcode (Linux/x86)

Egg Hunter – Shellcode (Linux/x86)

An egg hunter is usually used in exploit development. To give a brief description, this "process" is implemented when there is a small space for the shellcode's storage during exploitation. What the egg hunter does is it tries to find the "egg" in the whole virtual address space (memory) as it is an indication of the start of another shellcode which couldn't fit in the buffer of an application being exploited. During my time on "Penetration Testing with Kali (PWK-OSCP)", I remember coming across this exploit which had the string "n00bn00b" before the shellcode. It looked something like this: At first, I didn't really mind it because I thought it was just an adjustment for the correct offset of the EIP overwriting but what I previously couldn't understand is why I should wait ...