SickOS 1.1 Walkthrough
SickOS 1.1 Walkthrough
After finishing PWK and achieving OSCP, my brain started to look for more machines to play with which led me to download SickOS 1.1. So after setting up the machine through VMWare, an initial Nmap scan towards (Address of SickOS 1.1) shows the following output:
By the results shown, only two TCP ports are open. One SSH and another is actually an HTTP proxy so let's configure Firefox to the proxy port 3128:
Once Firefox has been configured with the settings, typing in the IP address of SickOS 1.1 in the browser should present us with the image below:
Oooh. I see some trolling here. When doing penetration testing, I've learned to organize my own methodology or 'steps' in doing information gathering so the first thing that I did w...